Just Right State
The ‘Just Right State’ programme uses sensory activities and foods to help children learn how to regulate their emotional states and behaviour. We also engage the children using fun cartoon characters called ‘The Scared Gang’. Each character represents the different survival patterns of behaviour.
POISSD for Learning
One of our key missions is to create opportunities to embed sensorimotor system development into everyday activities. This includes nurseries, Flying Start settings, and schools, so children who need more support can get the help they need. This will enable them to access learning activities on a daily basis.
Sunshine Circles
Sunshine Circles, developed by Theraplay, is an adult-directed and structured play therapy-based group. It incorporates playful, cooperative, and nurturing activities that enhance the emotional well-being of children. We help build and enhance attachment, self-esteem, trust in others, and joyful engagement with this programme.
Partners in Communication
We use an internationally recognised programme - The Picture Exchange Communication System - that uses images to help children and adults communicate. Remarkably, it allows simple communication to evolve into sentences, advanced phrases and questions throughout its six phases.
Sensory Regualtion: Ecosensory
This project specifically focuses on using the outdoor sensory environment to help children regulate. Recently, we took two children with regulation needs requiring additional support, from five different classes, with staff from each class. We then helped the staff use existing outdoor equipment to support sensory regulation in the children. It also provided structured opportunities for them to use equipment more constructively.
Benefits information: BIASS
Many families don’t realise they’re entitled to a Disability Living Allowance (DLA) if their child has additional support needs. Many of the children we work with require additional care and attention, and their parents aren’t aware of the DLA. Our resources can help you through the process of applying for these benefits.
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